Q: How often should I change the oil?
A: The initial oil change should occur after 3 months, or 150 hours of usage. Every subsequent oil change should occur every 6 months or 500 hours of usage.
NOTE: if operating in a humid environment or when packaging high moisture products on a regular basis, then more frequent oil changes are recommended.
Q: When should I replace the vacuum pump exhaust filter?
A: Once a year. (Annually)
Q: Why do my soups, marinades, and sauces boil when vacuum sealed?
A: Most people know that water boils at 212°F at sea level but did you know that water boils at 203°F in Denver due to their elevation and thus lower atmospheric pressure. When air is removed from the Vac110 chamber, pressure is decreased, and therefore the boiling temperature will also decrease. The more air that’s removed the lower the boiling temperature will be.
PRO TIP: Pre-chill your soups, marinades, and sauces, this will allow for more air to be removed before boiling occurs.
Q: What is the secondary filter after the pump exhaust filter? How often should I replace it?
A: This is an exhaust silencer, exclusive to the Vac110. It’s only necessary to replace it when damaged or visibly polluted.
Q: My unit makes a loud “BAM” or “THUMP” sound during operation. Is this normal?
A: Yes, this is normal. What you are hearing are the seal bar lift pistons engaging the seal bar assembly against the seal cushion strip. This provides the pressure needed to apply a high-quality heat seal to the vacuum pouches.
Q: Do I need to use oxygen absorbers in pair with the Vac110?
A: The Vac110 is capable of removing 99.8% of the air inside the chamber, this eliminates the need for oxygen absorbers.
PRO TIP: Set the vacuum time to 50 seconds or more to remove the maximum amount of air.
Q: What is the largest chamber vacuum pouch I can use in the Vac110?
A: 11” x 16”